I have been very busy chasing rabbits and let me tell you they are proliferating little creatures! Every time I think I’ve caught one, two more spring up and off I run after them. These rabbits are distractions that lure me away from my goal of creating wealth on the internet. I am sure you have never started something only to stop midstream and start something else.
This is where my confession comes to the surface. I have a difficult time staying on task.
I’m undisciplined and lack structure. My desire is insatiable but my execution is horrible.
I am inconsistent and do not have a map or plan for success.
The primary focus of this blog is to discover a viable income from the Internet. I have never left that goal but I’ve chased at least a dozen rabbits while pursuing it.
I’ve started a Face book blog, Essential Oils Education @ Grannies Health, created my own web page “Back To Eden Essential Oils.com” and disabled it through Wix.com.
I joined Wealthy Affiliate.com only to stagnate there.
I then proceeded to investigate cryptocurrencies and wrestled to get $5oo back that was locked into an account that took my money but wouldn’t let me get it back because Coinbase was very elusive in allowing me to validate my bank account. OH YEAH! They had no trouble taking my money without verifying anything. It was painfully difficult to withdraw my money.
I invested in the stock market but would not discipline myself to follow the basic rules of trading or properly educate myself in understanding how it works.
I am very sure I am missing some rabbits but the point is very clear. If I had only invested as much time in one pursuit instead of imagining and running after multiple avenues, who knows where I’d be now.
This is virtual reality of a blogger’s journey. I have not sugar coated my progress but have plainly revealed the pitfalls.
It seems there are people who can become very rich, very fast but it is also very obvious I am not one of them.
This only reaffirms the importance of the “KISS” acronym, ” Keep It Simple, Stupid!”
I will shower you with diamonds of wisdom, namely, find one thing and see it through. It is better to complete one task than to have five unfinished, half baked schemes.
I am just a little bit embarrassed to admit I’ve invested so much time to accomplish absolutely nothing, unless allowing myself to fail yet have the determination to get up again and keep trying counts as ground gained.
I heard a nugget of wisdom. “If you haven’t failed, you haven’t tried hard enough.”
Thomas Edison tried over 2000 materials before finding a carbon filament that worked in a vacuum to create the light bulb.
Abraham Lincoln lost more than one election before becoming President of the United States.
Mr. Sanders was 75 and failed at several businesses before opening Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Fortunately, it isn’t in me to quit. At the very least, I am not bored! I keep finding all these furry, cute, little rabbits that need attention!
I honestly don’t want to keep wasting time falling back into the same mindset and patterns of failure.
There is a saying, “Insanity is doing the same thing you’ve always done while expecting different results.”
I have to choose a different path, It’s time to take a hard look at the methods I’ve used and change what hasn’t worked.
Success doesn’t materialize out of thin air. Progress is made through a meticulous process, guided by a concise and actionable business plan. As unglamorous as that sounds, that is the road to attaining any goal worth pursuing.
I’ve been chasing rabbits, running in circles and darting around at every new and promising idea that pops out of the bushes, costing me years of time while wasting thousands of dollars because I wasn’t willing to commit to the grit work.
Thankfully, I have learned from experience and am prepared. I will let the rabbits take care of themselves. I will follow a business plan outlined with actionable goals.
I will apply myself daily, consistently, methodically, in increments. I will not be discouraged by immaturity or the overwhelming urge for instant gratification.
I will stop looking at all the false videos and unscrupulous gurus’ and refuse to be discouraged by illusions of fake success stories.
I will commit to grinding out those incremental goals and document mile stones while consciously following the plan and I will succeed!
See you on the other side!
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