The Wonder of the Principle of Compounding

April 20,2024

Increments, consistent addition, small bites over and over again, seemingly unimpressive bits of value collected consistently adding to the whole over an extended period of time.

The human mind
A grain of sand on the beach
A star in the sky
One penny in the interest of a loan or dividend in a savings account
A drop of rain
One ant of a colony or bee in a hive.
One letter or word in a book
One bit  of computer code

What makes compounding work?

A key concept
The single entity, particle or substance is innate, unimpressive or ineffective when alone but when added to a structure or vision greater than itself it becomes part of the whole and shares the success of the collective purpose.

Our life process is nothing more than the compounding of experiences and learned concepts which produce results.

The net profit or loss is equivalent to what we’ve chosen to invest in.
God help us to make wise choices.

I understand this is not your typical format for a blog. I couldn’t quite resist slapping this outline up for further contemplation in the light of my pursuit of internet generated wealth. I need this. I am sure whether you admit it or choose to ignore it, you do too. 

I took psychology in college and have had a few sessions of counseling in my day. None of that prepared me or has helped me understand the propensity we have for instant gratification. I want what I want and I want it now but even the elements of nature declare we have to wait for the fruit to produce. So why do we feel success can appear at the snap of a finger?

Thus, this mind map.

If you haven’t read any of my previous blogs, you won’t understand this next statement. I am still moving mountains one teaspoon at a time, eating elephants one bite at a time and forever chasing rabbits but I’ve felt enough fear of failure to dial it back a notch. I am choosing to commit to one project. I will contribute consistently to one priority, even if progress is incremental,  I will choose to contend with the frustration of baby steps. I will not expect to leap over tall buildings in a single bound. I will take one step forward, review and praise my success or edit my goals, then proceed with caution.

My journey has a few wrecks in its wake.  I’ve lost sleep, money, and peace of mind. It is time to take account of the carnage and change my tactics. I know I’ve only written a half a dozen blog posts but have lived through a plethora of trial and error scenarios. 

I’ve determined even if no one notices my blog and it doesn’t become a source of income,  it might possibly prevent at least one person’s falling prey to the get rich quick delusion.  I’ve come to the painful conclusion that success is going to be a slow steady walk uphill.

If I haven’t bored you to tears or trampled on your own delusions then maybe you will continue to peek in occasionally and see if I’ve made any progress.  Until then, God bless.


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