Make Unimaginable Wealth On The Internet!

April 19, 2024

We all know there are hundreds of ploys and an innumerable host of individuals who are grasping for the hope that they can strike it rich quick with a magic bullet released across cyberspace.  I have been intrigued for years about the viability of generating income on the internet. I’ve E-bayed, Amazoned, and Etsyed. I’ve convulsed a blog or two like a short spasm that died soon after they were born, and even commissioned a web page for my brick and mortar bakery, Sweet Tooth Specialties. I went back to school and received two bachelor’s degrees in an effort to educate myself and earn a livable wage and now I currently work as a Food Service Manager in a Special Education setting, but I am ready once more to look at Affiliate marketing. I will explore and expose what works and what doesn’t as I maintain this blog and give honest reviews about consumer goods, shady marketers, and e-commerce in general.

Who am I anyway? Why am I rambling on about failed financial quests and selfie stories? I am a generous 3-X person, sixty-six, and married to the balding man of my dreams. We are raising our 17 year old grandson and are the proud owners of 2 audacious, fur babies named Daisy and Buster. We own a 120 year old, 3-bedroom bungalow in need of major repairs. My husband has worked 42 years in a factory and cannot afford to draw Social Security. We live from paycheck to paycheck and will give you the shirt off our backs if necessary.

Gary is a quiet, gentle man who has a tender heart and doesn’t have an aggressive bone in his body. He is a solid, middle of the road kind of guy who is not a risk taker.  

I, on the other hand, am a hard headed, adventurous dreamer, pushing on the envelope of life. I don’t want to be a quiet senior citizen. I want to have pillow fights with my grandchildren and do unpredictable things. I want to travel. I want to live in the country and have chickens and a milk goat for Pete’s sake! I want to keep on seeing dreams come true.  There is a skinny person trapped inside this 3-X body, fighting to succeed at making an honest dollar. Thus, you have a snapshot of who is behind the blog “Truth In Marketing”.

The get rich quick schemes are everywhere taunting simple, honest folk who want to climb above a hand to mouth existence. In my pursuit of an internet source of income, I have experienced the snake oil salesmen and sleight of hand marketing ploys that take your money and run. I believe I can offer a better example of truth in marketing and achieve an honest income at the same time.

There are sincere, reputable affiliate marketers who are achieving great success through honesty, integrity, and hard work. They are my mentors and the true heroes of e-commerce. Content creators and marketers who truly apply themselves to producing valuable content, providing viable services to the seeker are so refreshing to encounter. I hope to be among them. 

Miles Beckler provides honest advice and experienced insight to becoming a content creator and affiliate marketer absolutely for free. His content navigates you step by step as a free hand up because he has struggled himself to be successful. Now that he has become very successful, he wants to pay it forward.

Project Rich Mum has documented her journey of being a mother at home who has explored avenues of generating income while wading through the truth of what it takes to succeed. She exposes the nitty gritty of each painful step to her goals without hype or ulterior motive.

Gillian Perkins was the first “coach” who gave me actionable, concise information for free. She gives valuable information on how to succeed with internet marketing, building an internet course, and applying tools of the trade to close the deal.

Louise De Masi is a watercolor artist who articulately describes the techniques of watercolor painting. She has migrated from being a school teacher to teaching watercolor painting techniques and building online classes through

These are just a few honest content creators and marketers that have brought me a breath of fresh air!  I have no problem purchasing through one of their links and supporting their channel. These folk, by their honesty and transparency genuinely restore my confidence toward searching the internet for resources that will benefit me.

Then there are the unscrupulous individuals who will do whatever it takes to make a buck. They don’t care what measures they use or who they hurt. You never really see who they are until you’ve invested in their schemes and realized they aren’t what you thought they were. They offer grandiose results with little effort in record time.

Because the yearning for financial freedom is so intense, the bait is just too tempting. Once the trap has sprung, the disgust and humiliation felt is real! How could I have been duped once again out of my hard earned money? I am not the only dreamer who has fallen for shysters.  The saying is, “There’s a new fool born every day!” The stock market calls new investors, “fresh meat.”  This is the reason I am passionate about doing something that will make a difference.  There has to be a voice for accountability and integrity on the internet.

So here I am on the starting line again, looking for the silver bullet of success. Hopefully, I am a little smarter and less naive. I have been around the block a couple of times now. I’ve been bitten and outwitted of thousands of dollars. I know how to recognize sleazy weasels and I am on a mission to help you recognize the psychological tactics they use to make you purchase their product.

You are in the wings to participate, to contribute if you desire. I would like to think there are knowledgeable people willing to compassionately join forces to guide or pitifully critique my quest. If I had no morals I could fabricate a tear jerking tragedy and ask for money (not saying I would refuse it if you sent money!), or I could follow the shady methods of some very popular guru’s.

I’d rather prove, as others have, that there is still a viable and honest source of income to be made on the internet exposing a few fakes along the way and preventing other folks from falling victim to unscrupulous marketers as I have.

Be sure to subscribe to and visit my blog for interesting discoveries and a little humor as we look for our silver bullet to fame and fortune.


One response to “Make Unimaginable Wealth On The Internet!”

  1. Very well said, Bessie. What a great blog. Everyone would like to make some money, but as you said, there is a plethora of ideas, and many who want to take your money and run. You are providing a direction and service to help others avoid the pitfalls. I wish you well in your endeavors.

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