
Bessie Davis (on the left) Sweet Tooth Bakery memories!

Truth In Marketing Introduction

It is a time filled to the brim with chaotic liquidity of concepts, where people consider an individual’s absolutes and idealism to be archaic. The end justifies the means. We reach for clarity only to find more spin and deception. The young are inheriting uncertainty and we who should be in the stage of passing our knowledge to the next generation are foundering and bewildered at what our world has become. Everyone has their own truth. How can that be?

Is it possible to trust anything in life? I have concluded that truth is safety. It is the hope that a person’s word is his bond. I’m not going to compromise integrity for gain. I have to live with my conscience.

I am valuable as a person because I speak the truth. I’m dependable. I give of myself to help others. I am not perfect by any means, but I know how to accept responsibility for my actions and ask forgiveness for my errors.

I don’t want to be guilty of just selling you on a product. I want to be personable and transparent while I share insight, enabling you to make an informed decision.

It may be of a breakthrough in technology that makes my life easier or researching a self-improvement product, meal plan, or diet challenge. The most satisfying experience though, is to realize I have a connection with you, my audience. I am endeavoring to give you actionable value.

I won’t limit this blog to a single genre.  As the blog progresses, I am sure ideas and destination will begin to polarize.

I’d like to think it will evolve into a concrete foundation, a source of unbiased reviews, a platform of truth that you will bookmark and share with others.

Every blog will emanate with sincerity, integrity, and value. I simply cannot commit to anything I don’t genuinely believe in. 

Of course, the intention of this blog is to eventually generate an affiliate marketing income. I assure you that the journey will be interesting.

I expect to share introspect, humor, hope, a smattering of life hacks and possibly a dash of insanity, all cleverly disguised in the format of product reviews.